CMV: Marxists and Flat Earthers have one thing in common: they don’t have a functional model
You know when you ask a flat-earther to show you a functioning model of the world? And they have to pull 2 - one for seasons and one for day and night? And neither explain Meteorological phenomena?
That’s kinda how Marxists are. Communism is a stateless, classless and moneyless society. But when you ask them how would that work in the real world, they have no answer.
“Well by seizing the means of productions” - okay but how would that work?
“Well we overthrown the owner of the factory so now we own it”
Okay, that’s great but how do you image a day in the a stateless moneyless and classless world? And I’m not asking in a redundant way of “what about the lazy people?????”
I genuinely want to know how will they organize? How will they trade world-wide? How will they share knowledge? How will they ensure that everyone gets what they need? How will they decide how long to work in absence of gouverning bodies? Do they just work all day? How will they deal with rebels? What about justice? Do courts still exists, as they aren’t technically means of production?
And most importantly how will it happend? In a world-wide revolution? Over the course of 200 years? The transition from feudalism to capitalism was pretty smooth - the importance of landowners slowly faded because after the Industrial Revolution the means of production became more important for society than owning land
But how will people transition into a moneyless society? Will all nations collectively decide to abandon the concept money one day? Or will it be a long process? If it’s a long process how will areas that abandoned money survive?
How will they transition into a stateless society? Do all nations just collectively give up on being nations one day? Or is a long process?