I have made my decision (Triggering)

I’m an 18 year old male. If I have ME/CFS I am going to end my life. I got glandular fever back in March, took me a month to get over from the initial illness. (Or so we thought it was glandular fever, my tests came back negative but I got the tests after I was sick. But I got it from a girl, I’m almost certain it was.) Since then I’ve been struggling with tiredness and head tension. The rest of my body is okay. This month I’ve made a lot of improvements, the glands in my neck have shrank even more and I’ve gone back to the gym and work, I’ve started doing early morning starts at work, but I am still struggling. I don’t know if I’m getting PEM or not… I weight train in the gym and I’ve done back to back days training with no signs of PEM last week or the week before. However this week I’ve been quite busy and I’ve done 3 gym sessions. Today I feel really tired, more tired than usual. I’m hoping this will go away with a good nights sleep but I’m not sure. I’ve been absolutely PETRIFIED I’ve got MECFS as I’m a massive hypochondriac which has gotten worse ever since I got sick. If I end up getting worse or I get an MECFS diagnosis I see no reason to go on, I do not want to live like this forever.