In Defense Of The New Prelude

It's a weird car. However it could be something special. it not having a manual isn't the complete end of the world. If Honda can optimize weight savings this might be a sub 3k pound car. It's smaller than the civic albeit wider. Less doors, and the new powertrain is 20-30% lighter. (Don't have source, but this can be searched). Plus with AWD it will have excellent initial acceleration. My only concern is that for it to be competitive,it needs more than 200 hp. It's anemic for a car marketed to enthusiasts. I get why this car is like it is.

Whether we like it or not, emissions are a constant pressure on vehicle development. From here on, we won't be getting accessible big engine vehicles for cheap. Fun sports cars are going in the direction of EVs and hybrids. Hybrids at this point are the best of both worlds (at least range extender EV, which is just a EV ironically powered by gas).

In short, this car is kinda teetering on the edge of a failure, but it totally has a chance to be a great vehicle. It needs at least a 6 sec 0 to 60. The suspension is type r which is amazing. Honda has to deliver on this powertrain or they'll just shoot themselves in the foot.

As for it being automatic only, I feel like this was a speed decision. Due to engine emission restraints, in order to make a "weaker" car faster, the shifting must be handled by something faster than a human. Automakers are walking a fine line. Yes, speed isn't everything, but if the car is too slow, then that is a deterrent as well. This car's success depends on its optimization. The ionic 5n proved you can add a visceral experience to an EV. The S+ could meet the challenge but who knows.

This car CAN be successful, but there's a few things unrevealed that can still damn it. What do you guys think?