R6 back button focus eye detection (anmimal) wont choose the nearest eye. Instead it chooses the eye closest to picture mid.

Hello guys,

I own a R6 mark I and i have set up back button focus to enable eye detection. This works nice with one flaw:

The R6 does not focus on the closest eye. The R6 just focuses on the eye which is closest to the center of the picture/frame. So even when i try to photograph a dog which has rotated its head slightly to the side, the camera focuses on the back eye, when this is closest to the Center mid point (which mostly is because of composition).

When i do not hit the back button, im default in spot focus mode and the spot is even set on the right corner (where the right eye will be). But as soon as i hit the back button focus, the camera doesnt even bother about this spot.

Do i have any wrong settings in camera? Because the right way would always be to focus on the eye, which is nearest to camera.

This problems really makes my photography hard…

I have tested then to move the picture mid far more right and as soon as the right eye comes closest to mid, the camera will switch to the other eye…