Why Reyna is the best[toa] [HOA]

Reyna was one of the best things to come out of Heroes of Olympus and I will stand here tell you why.

  1. Because she has cool pets! Griffin pfft, are they made of silver or gold? Are they dogs no? Then don't talk to me about cool pets

  2. She's awesome, she's the best praetor and best leader and is a good sister figure for Nico. Who's Hazel when you have Reyna

  3. She has immaculate style and backstory, she even has a cool sister who's the amazonian queen. Dose Annabeth has a cool sister? No of course not because she's boring.

  4. Jason really fumbled the bag when he rejected Reyna, I was glad he got kebabed! (To avoid hate this is obviously a joke, Jason stans do not attack me)

  5. Annabeth and Piper? Forget them, Reyna is best girl now, I don't care what anyone says I will die on this hill.

  6. Reyna is more interesting then Annabeth, Piper and Hazel! Because Reyna is way more interesting and is best girl!

  7. Did I add she was best girl? Well she is best girl!

If you disagree then I hope your pillows are warm at night, have tiny rocks in your shoes and your headphones go broke!

Rick Riordan I have beef with you for not giving best girl Reyna a proper ending you coward! I hope your pillows are warm and everytime you try to type something it always auto corrects to something else!

Thank you for your time.

Oh and one last thing, Damn Octavian!!

(This is a satire but I still believe Reyna is best girl)