It feels so amazing to embarrass moronic customers.
I wouldn't call him a customer because he is just a plain, straight up moron. Moron hopped in the chat line saying at the very start of chat "Payment failed" and so because the 4 year old cannot construct a proper sentence so I asked him what does he mean by "pwayment fwailed" and please elaborate on it. The moron just repeated back "payment failed" so I said that in order for me to narrow down the issue, I would need specifics then moron proceeds to make sentences because he realized that he is a tax paying citizen.
I asked him when does the error message show up upon creating the order, the moron answered "now" like I was asking him what time it's showing. Then the moron thinks that I will ask him if he already asked his bank regarding this so he preemptively told me that "I have already checked with the bank so my issue is with your company" like you are just doing this order so you automatically checked with your bank and they told you that it was not their problem? ALL of this happened in a short amount of time? LMAO. Give me "things that really happened" for $500, Alex.
So I told him that we are going to have this checked with our department since he is the only one that day contacting regarding this and no other customer is experiencing it and he said "this happened to me before so it's not uncommon". That's when I caught the moron. I asked him "Oh, when this happened to you before, what happened to fix the issue?" and then I laugh my ass off because his reply is "What? I am not going to teach you your job". I was busting out laughing because the moron caught in his lie.
So like a coward, he just bombard me with bs because he is so embarrassed. "okay, the bank just confirmed that you have banned my account" so while we are chatting, your bank confirmed that we banned you, which does not even make sense because banks have no way of tracing that then tells me that I don't know how to do my job which is very ironic. I would say I have darn did a pretty fcking swell job very much so in this case then his last remarks that he is going to the competitor company > ends chat immediately.