Games lagging with 2080ti


So basically my games lag that normally didn't before and I don't know what is the problem.

But first here are my specs:

Old GPU: Gtx 980ti

New current GPU: Rtx 2080ti | INNO3D

CPU: Ryzen 5 3600

RAM: 2x8 GB - 3200MHz | Vengence

SSD: C/500GB - E/1TB


PSU: 750W Seasonic

Old PSU: 600W Seasonic

And yeah hopefully this is all and correct.

I could for example run the game Dead by daylight very good at 60fps because my monitor only has 60Hz and on Ultra settings so everything max but now I get little lags here and there and I don't know why.

I wanted to finally play Elden Ring but it lags so much even on the lowest possible setting..

How does my friend with a 2060 play it but me with a even little bit better Graphics card can't??

I installed all updates and drivers, and even got a new PSU from 600W to 750W but still it lags I don't know what else to do really..

I just wanted to play my games and especially Elden Ring because of my friend