Best GPU for i5 3450? (Low Power Consumption)

I'm looking for a good GPU upgrade for this PC I have without bottlenecking it and also recording while playing games. It's an HP Pavilion P6 (2271-eo to be exact) with an I5 3450 and 8GB 1600Mhz (I'll upgrade to 16) and a GT630 2GB. The problem with this PC is the unique mobo, case and the worst one: PSU. It has only 300W so I need to look for something good for performance/price, not bottlenecking the CPU and also less than 80W power consumption and no additional Power Connectors. The best I found are GTX 1050 20-40$, GTX 1050Ti 40-80$ and GTX 1650 also 40-80$ here in Romania. What's the best option?