Pa-Mini-flex lang po
After spending almost the whole year looking for an extra-gig/part-time work, FINALLY landed one!
The spreadsheet is my CRM ng mga nag reply na application, invites and interviews - for this year.
This is my first AU client hopefully will last as my current US client for 6 years now. 👌🏻
Update: Things are so chaotic and unorganized. I understand the firm is basically new, needs help to settle things down, but so much crappy things happening all at once.
I have a foreign Boss who had a right-hand Admin for almost 2-years (call her Bossy #2 + a kababayan). The firm offers admin services to several other companies, other than Boss #1's personal agendas. A lot of tasks does not have proper SOP's written yet (that's where I come in, I think), but still need to do live tasks coming from Bossy#2 that I feel like those are primarily hers just passing them to me.
Boss#1 admits things are messy, and I had to say that I do not feel I can do this long-term. I might have been used to mostly repetitive tasks with sets of steps and standards on a day-to-day basis.
I can multi-task - learn new programs and procedures.
But I cannot SIMULTASK.
I'm currently hired as Probi for 3 months (till January 2025), but now in the middle of my 2nd month - does not make me feel I want more beyond this Probi status.