Just need to vent 😢 it’s been a terrible month

44f, super active, healthy, eat nutritious food, run/lift regularly and do lots around the house. Work a desk job. About 3 weeks ago I slipped on the stairs and broke my 5th metatarsal. It’s non-displaced and not a horrible break, but I’m NWB for 4 weeks (crutches and boot) and then have a checkup with podiatry next week to determine my progress. I started PT at my request, but there’s not much I can do until I can bear some weight.

Crutches and a broken foot are miserable enough, esp when I’m used to being so active. But on top of that, two days ago I hurt my back (likely from overdoing it on the crutches and PT exercises and it’s painful to move, and on top of THAT, I started feeling really ill yesterday and was scared I had a spinal or kidney infection or something (back pain + major health anxiety lol) oh and I tested positive for influenza A. So now I have a broken foot, an excruciatingly painful lower back, and a fever/chills for who knows how long due to the flu. I’m pretty much bed-bound, miserable, and scared.

I was trying to avoid ibuprofen for the flu because I know it delays healing, but I gave in because Tylenol just doesn’t work and my body aches are so bad.

I know this will pass. My foot actually is feeling better and hopefully after a couple days my back and my flu will subside. It’s just been a really bad month. I’m thankful to be healthy and not have any pre existing conditions. But my family is sick of me complaining so I just need to vent it all out here 🥹🥹