Finished this album for my Grandad's 90th birthday
Finished this album last night, I'm giving is as a present for my Grandfather's 90th birthday this weekend. I started it at work however I was told off by my manager on Monday for doing too many personal projects there so I had to finish it at home in my kitchen. On the one hand I think I probably take advantage of them too much but on the other I need to learn and develop my skills as an apprentice and if they don't trust me to do work on live projects fully then how else am I going to get skills. And also I was paid very poorly for the last couple years and have only just been put up above minimum wage significantly in the last few months so I feel they have a lot to make up for and I don't think I will ever forgive my boss for the financial damages I got for working here. Either way I hated trying to get it finished on the kitchen table spending hours and not having all the resources I'm used too. I can only hope my manager will forgive me in good time so I can get back to using company resources again. To be honest this week hasn't been great for my mental health, so much anxiety and discomfort at my work, constantly on edge of I'm doing enough and money problems, and the idea of winter electric bills going up since it's definitely gotten colder in the last week. And I have been so anxious about if I would have enough time to get this book finished at home, I have been working well into the evening and just worked myself too the bone. But I am proud of what I have made and it is good for it to finally be finished. A good way to end it on a high note.
Also the head caps aren't every good, definitely need practice on those, I learned a valuable lesson on that to never skimp on paste just because I couldn't be bothered to make some up. Never again!