The Sign- What “better life”???
I really loved The Sign so much but Bandit and Chilli sounded crazy to me talking about a better life and how the move would be good for their family- they already own a huge beautiful home, make enough money to support themselves + buy their children hundreds of toys + go on vacation + buy like a five hundred dollar grill at the drop of a hat. They live nearby practically all of their family and friends, and all of those friends have children who are friends with their children, who go to an amazing and accommodating school. They both work well-paying jobs that leave them enough time to constantly play with and bond with their children. Their backyard is literally big and beautiful enough to host an entire wedding venue. Plus, if they moved Chilli would also have to find another job at another airport. Bandit didn’t even seem particularly excited or passionate about this new job, he manufactured the entire problem all by himself by not just realizing “hmm no my life is already borderline perfect.”