Hypno Gaze rules/rulings are a hot mess

Hypno gaze is so poorly written.Start from the beginning, break down the process.-Activate a vampire. When you activate you have to declare your action. You declare Hypnotic Gaze.-Per the FAQ, you must nominate your target when you declare the action."To perform a hypnotic gaze, nominate a single standing opposition player that has not lost their tackle zone and that this player is marking."

So you have to already be basing them when you activate?

Now lets throw a wrench in."The player may move before performing this special action, following all of the normal movement rules." So now you activate, target someone in your tackle zone, and then can move around them? Why?

Now here's another wrench:Foul appearance/blood lust. You activate your vampire. Declare a hypnotic gaze action. You roll Blood Lust. Fail on a 1. You now have to roll Foul Appearance because you targeted a mini. Fail on a 1. Can you move? Hypnotic Gaze says the player can move before the special action is performed, implying the move is separate from the action, foul appearance says the action is wasted. Is it just an immediate turn over if you fail your foul appearance roll with no thrall in base contact?

EDIT: For the last fucking time: I believe I am well aware of the INTENTION of the rule; hypnotic gaze should work how people have always played it. However, the new FAQs make the rules conflict with each other.