Movies that end in Close Ups
Watched E.T. again over the weekend, which is never a bad idea. It always astounds me how the movie is so good that I manage to sob over the ugliest fucking alien design I've ever seen.
ANYWAY, what struck me the most was the sheer utter brilliance and confidence of the power of the ending. Yes it's operatic, and so incredibly scored, and the natural ending but the fact it all crescendoed on a close up of Elliot utterly flawed me. Nothing more needed to be said, no coda or a wide shot of them all in silhouette, it's just incredible confidence.
It's not a unique thing though, plenty of movies have great close-up endings. There must be many but what are your faves, blankies?
Magnolia, Moonlight, Planes Trains and Automobiles and of course AVATAR (both) spring to mind.