I barely have black friends
I (19f) grew up in multi cultural area and most of my friend growing up were black or Middle Eastern/ north African but as time went on I got more white friends. The black kids at my school dropped out and I only had one friend who was mixed. The other ones were all middle eastern or white. I had black childhood friends but we’d see each other once in a while. I’m not white washed bc I’m very much in tune with my culture and identity. I love being black and I am in black spaces very often and I purposely moved to a new place with a high black population. Here comes the problem: I hoped that things would get better when I finally go to college but there are barely black people in my courses. I’ve made friends and they’re all white except two (one is half Vietnamese and the other one is Turkish). I like them and they’re nice but I really wish I had my own group of friends who are black. I only made one black friend in the new city. She does my hair but we don’t really see each other that often bc she works a lot and she already has her group yk. 95% of the guys I’ve been with were all black. I met one here and he said that he will show me the community but things ended recently. I wished I had this luck with friendships too.
Like I said I like my friends but it’s sometimes hard to connect bc i like talking about things that only black people would understand. Even when we talk about dating and stuff. Black girlies would get me or with the shows I watch and music. All my favourite artists are black and I’m not into techno or country (not that these things make you less black or anything). Mi like Afro beats and dancehall. They’re open to learn about that but chile😭😭😭
It’s kinda bothering me as I’m growing up. I feel like I would be even more confident in myself if I had more black friends. I feel like having black friends even if it’s just a few would heal something in me. There are a few black girls in my other course but I only see them in the lectures. I never had an issue talking to people but they seem so reserved and don’t always come to lectures. We are also on semester break currently:/
Edit: I’m in Germany