“This is just 90s jiu jitsu”

So I noticed comments like this on this guy on instagram I found called Chris Bones https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEx-BuGzveg/?igsh=NWlyNGR3enlhZ294 - Here’s an exact reply to the clip “This guy would get subbed by purple competitors. His jiujitsu stuck in 1995 😂”

It made me think, as I pretty much never hear from people that train at places like that.

Does anyone train in what is sometimes ragged on in social media - self defence or place that trains what is described as “90s bjj”?

I’m interested in your experience (especially if you’ve trained at both types) as I’m wondering a couple things. The core stuff - is this the same?

Do you think this is more relevant to MMA than modern jiu jitsu? (or self defence as the insta clip is saying)

Just in general i guess, how do you find it? Pros and cons?

I dunno. I’m waffling and probably not making my points clear. I’m just interested and I’m wondering if “this is just 90s bjj” is actually a put down, and maybe as a non competing “hobbyist”, this style would be just as good a place for me or in fact have some positives