BWT, how do you practice mindful/ ethical consumption?

Flared with beauty/self-care but interested in consumption related to other things like clothes too.

I’m trying to think more about how I can consume mindfully especially as someone who for various reasons isn’t interested in doing a low/ no buy at the moment (unless low buy can mean only getting things as you need them which I try to do).

I feel conflicted a lot when it comes to consuming clothes & beauty items because I’m such a girly girl who also gets FOMO and wants to try the cool new things but I also worry a lot about the environment and how exploitative these industries are. At the same time, more ethical options are often way more expensive and the actual ethics of companies can be difficult to verify. For clothing, thrifting helps me a lot for peace of mind but for beauty that’s not really an option. Anyways I am hoping this will start a discussion and that I’m not the only one with conflicting thoughts about these issues.

I’d like to note that I know complete ethical consumption is not possible and corporations are way more responsible than the individual consumer, but I’m trying to be better.