Coming off birth control after 10 years

Hello i am 24 years old and after 10 consistent years of different kinds of BC I have decided I want to get off of it entirely. I will be using condoms moving forward for pregnancy prevention. My reasons for getting off of birth control are listed below. -bloating constantly 24/7 -blood sugar drops (shaking, dizzy, blurred vision) -weight gain/inability to lose weight (I've been a gym rat for way over a year and cannot lose weight at all) -severe anxiety (multiple attacks per day for no real reason I can identify) -mood swings -lack of an ability to relax/fall asleep at night -zero sex drive

I wanna say I have gotten bloodwork done multiple times and everything is coming back normal except for slightly elevated cholesterol. Based on a lot of research over the years as well as other women's experiences i'm starting to believe almost all my issues are related to being on birth control. So i will be getting off of it for at least the next year. I am aware things will probably get worse before it gets better however any experiences any of you would like to share would be greatly appreciated both good or bad :)