Social Media

Hey guys! this post is just to discuss social media usage as a whole for bipolar people. I recently got rid of all of my social media except for reddit. I was spending too much time on Instagram and it was seriously affecting my mental health. I was very active on stories and I was overthinking evrything I posted (multiple times a day) everything was so contrived. I would ruminate on something I had posted, especially if it didnt get any interactions and it would cause me to spiral. I feel so much better now (in that regard, at least) that I'm not on instagram anymore. I'm not so absorbed in impressing people who aren't significant in my life. I will eventually need to get back on to promote my art and music, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I had never been very active on reddit until about 1-2 months ago. It feels like the most productive and nurturing form of social media to me. I'm starting to feel like I've become a little obsessed, though. Kind of like instagram except nothing is contrived. I feel great about interacting with people on here, seeking and giving advice. I'm just worried I should be spending more time on my hobbies or something (I genuinely do feel this way but I know I should cut myself some slack because I practiced the bass for 2 hours today). That's a whole nother can of worms that I think I can thank being bipolar for- always feeling like I'm doing something wrong when I'm not. Anyways, I just wanted to hear about anyone else's experience with social media, how it is integrated into their lives and how some might be doing going offline?