How do you stay consistent when taking medication?

I am finally medicated appropriately after I had an episode and landed myself in the hospital. But I finally got the help that I needed and I want to work on being stabilized.

I am curious to know if there are any helpful tricks to remind myself to take medication. This is my first time having to take medication on a consistent basis. Taking 0 pills a day to 8 has been a really difficult adjustment and I am trying to be forgiving towards myself. I only have to take 1 in the morning and the rest at night using a basic pill box. Another factor is that I work 3rd shift and my sleep schedule is never consistent making my mornings and nights harder for my body to distinguish. Being newly medicated has put me into a different mindset that feels uncomfortable at times. I do miss the adrenaline rush of having elevated emotions, but I am clear minded now. Joining this community has helped me understand how everyone experiences everything differently, so thank you if you've shared a relatable moment. 💗