pharma/biotech startup internship
Not trying to be that overly ambitious undergrad, but my dream is to be a founder or key player in building a drug development/diagnostics company. I figure the best way to really learn the ropes is by working at a small startup where I can take on different roles and get a full picture of how things run. I have a decent amount of wet lab experience but I want to see how a startup works in terms of everything else that comes with the job. Any advice on landing a spot at a startup for the summer and winter sessions would be amazing.
If that is pretty much out of the picture which I assume it is, what is the absolute best way to approach my goals? I want to get an MD so i can look to become a CMO or CSO. Is the best way to approach this to just read a ton of papers in my field and try to theorize for myself? I do put in overtime in my current lab as my first step at this.
Anything else I should know I am open to every and all feedback. I really just want to learn. I am so naïve. ignorance is bliss. I am blissful and excited to try and learn everything. I already read for blood and money I loved it. onto Building Backwards to Biotech: The Power of Entrepreneurship to Drive Cutting-Edge Science to Market