"The series gets so good after the first three seasons. Trust me, sit through them, and it'll pay off and be worth it"
If you are someone who is defending the show, by saying stuff like this, you might as well say nothing at all.
The first three seasons of Better Call Saul are, in my opinion, some of the finest TV out there. I am not a big fan of season 2, but is STILL so great, in my opinion mainly because of the Jimmy-Chuck relationship that is just perfect. The first and third season are just so well made... They have so much to offer. I kinda even get a little sad when I get to season 4 and Chuck isnt there anymore, cause, well yeah he is a shitty person, but character-wise is imo one of the best written characters in media.
Anyways, even tho the series catch up on so much action and more energetic stuff post season 3, you will connect with it if you already connected with the show. Describing the first seasons as some fucking chore to get thru is so stupid, dude just watch something you like from the beginning cause those episodes are really important for the story; I really feel like these people think the first seasons were made just for the fuck of it.
It's totally fine not liking them as much as post-Chucks suicide, but thats really different to them being the reward of the "homework" that was watching the early stuff.
However, my principal point with this post is: If you actually say this jackshit in order to defend the series, you're doing the exact opposite, so please cut it off, why not better talk good about something you find actually good?
Sorry for the rant lol