PetSmart Dilemma
Hi y'all.
My local Petsmart has had the same betta fish on display in a small cup for at least a month an a half. Shes a beautiful baby with non "flowy', non prominent, pearlescent scales. I would guess she hasn't been bought because shes extremely bland looking (or as bland as a betta can get lol) If I had to guess, she's a quarter to half an inch long, including fins. Since starting to go into this Petsmart as of a month and a half ago, I always make it a point to say hi to her.
My question therefore is below;
The only tank I could possibly put her in is a two gallon tank i'm currently using as a plant nursery. This is because of a few things- money, space, etc. I know for a fact that in less than six months I will be able to upgrade her to a 20 gal, if not a 55 with a few other compatible sisters.
Would it be wrong to "rescue" her if these are the only conditions I can provide at the moment? Is 5-6 months too long? Is it even a rescue at that point? I feel so bad for her every time I see her, and I know I could provide a slightly better life, even if its wayyyyy far away from perfect.
Please don't flame me. I know this is a common question (betta in a 2 gal??) but I'm not exactly a rookie to fishkeeping. I guess im just asking for opinions? Any and all advice is appreciated, always looking to learn new things.
Thanks for reading!
Edit: Alright the three comments convinced me (not that i needed that much unfortunately). I'll be picking her up tmr and giving yall an update. I'll be watching the water parameters more carefully than I usually do, as you all have suggested. ✌️