Anyone have a negative experience in the bath and body works Facebook groups?
I was in 2 groups that I thought were going to be about people sharing hauls,giving reviews on new items that just dropped and discussing upcoming sales etc… But it’s the complete opposite. People are selling coupons which I thought was against the law, they host raffle drawings that are rigged(I’ve read people say this) People hating or showing jealousy on other people’s hauls which is why many stopped posting (I’m one of the people who stopped) and lots of employees who sell items that aren’t on the sales floor just yet then sell it for triple the price so for example some of them got Halloween items in their store last week and are selling them before the release date and other items(mainly SAS items that weren’t available online) and don’t say you don’t like something because they will jump all over you for having a completely different noise from theirs lol. Long story short I left both groups but I want to know has anyone else experienced this?