How to improve future seasons of Surviving

  1. Most important thing they need to do is to cast people who actually understand the game and want to participate. This season was filled with far too many goats who thought they only way to win was to win challenges or let other tell them who to vote for. Surviving is game of forming social connections and then betraying them to advance to win.
  2. Take away phones from everyone for the duration of filming. I doubt Dave or Big Cat will be in next year so there isn't anyone "big enough" that needs a phone to run a business.
  3. Stop all the cheating. Don't let people bring in pre-made realistic looking idols into the game. Stop people from searching other people's personal bags, planting electronic spying devices in dorm rooms, standing outside the confession rooms. (fuck MMM) Get a new host (Scoof) who knows how to explain rules to participants.
  4. Have longer filming schedule or fewer people (16 people only) so they don't have so many eliminations. Everyone seem fried at the end doing 2 eliminations a day and the game-play suffered. Everyone just waiting around to be eliminated by Dave & Ria.

Possible idea: Do a season of Blood vs Water where you get 8 employees who are paired with a family member who are the other tribe. Example of casting Nick & KB with their dads. Nick & KB on same tribe and their dads would start on other tribe in early game until later they merge when number gets to around 8 people left.