Why Dave being on Surviving has been PERFECT

First things first, not a Dave homer by any stretch. I cannot think of someone I’d like to see win the game less out of the 7 remaining contestants, and he was probably bottom 5 from the very beginning as far as that goes.

However, the heat he’s getting about the game being rigged in his favor is crazy. While I think it’s an absolute horseshit reason to not allow the Bussin’ Boys to win because their contract is coming up (side note: I couldn’t read Dave on Unnamed today as to whether or not they’re leaving) and he doesn’t want one of them to take the money and run, that isn’t rigging the game. That’s two players (Dave and Dan) having a vendetta against two other players.

The idea that because Dave signs the checks means he wouldn’t be voted out is preposterous. It’s a completely fair point by him that he got voted out pretty early last time. And a TON of people went into this game alone saying they need to get Dave out early, they just couldn’t.

Dave went in with alliances with Maddie (learned her real name so as to not call a human being Moobs) and Dan. Made one with Ria quick. From there, numbers could have been formed against him (btw, everything I’m saying for Dave kinda holds true for Dan too), but they just weren’t.

Owner of the company or not, he’s played an incredible game. The only person with an argument for having played a better game than him is Ria, and I think that’s a losing argument. The mind games he’s played, especially as the game has gone on, have been not only great content, but genuinely great strategic gameplay. The Pink Wedding was a masterclass.

Playing Rico and Kirk against each other, putting Keegs on edge, telling the athletes what was going to happen before it happened and them not knowing if they could even believe him, getting Rico to give him immunity when he didn’t even need it; he had the strings to every marionette at that table. And none of it had to do with him being the owner of Barstool, aside from who he wanted to get out, not that he actually rigged the game so they would be eliminated.

And not for nothing, he should have wanted Will and Taylor out even if their contract was another 5 years. Why would you want to keep a past winner in the game who also happens to be a part of the strongest two person alliance remaining (at Pink Wedding time) who BOTH also happen to be former professional athletes immediately before individual challenges start?

I haven’t seen a ton of Survivor, but I’m sure some people have. Isn’t the guy Tony considered like the best Survivor contestant ever? He won a season, put a huge target on his back, came back for an all-star season where presumably everyone is great at the game, and won again? That shouldn’t happen. Why does Johnny Bananas continue to make final after final on the Challenge, when he has a bigger target on his back every season he goes on? Some people, regardless of whether or not they come into the game with the most power/clout/pull/whatever the fuck, are just better at the game than others.

Want to talk about rigged? Dave has played the best game of anyone in the house, you think he has any chance of winning at the end? Of course not, and I don’t think that means it’s rigged either, but that has just as much of a case as what everyone is saying about him, which is to say none.

P.S. - Are we not going to talk at all about the part of the game that clearly was scripted? There is not a chance that on a season of 24 people, and only 4 females, that Dave did not tell everyone to not get all the girls out immediately. Zero percent chance. Now, them all still being there is not because of that, but when you give people a wide open runway, they are of course going to have that time to make alliances and gain a foothold in the game. There’s no doubt in my mind that Dave told every male participant in the game to give the girls time to breathe, and between decent gameplay (Ria and to a lesser extent Keegs) and virtue being tied to better players/alliances (Maddie and Megan) they’re still around. Good for them, but that’s the biggest bullshit of the whole season, not Dave being in the game as the owner.