Interested in learning to play… need tips on starting
I have years of experience with other instruments (piano, tiny bit of recorder, flute + piccolo, and bassoon… I also own a trumpet it was gifted to me I looked at the fingering chart a few years ago but never more than that lol). I can fluently read music and I understand the importance of taking care of an instrument… my issue is I’ve never owned a true string instrument let alone a banjo and I’m not exactly sure what I should be looking for. I’ve seen 4 and 5 string banjos but I’m not sure why they have a different string count. Honestly, starting with an instrument I usually buy the cheapest one I can find to ensure it’s going to be something I want to stick with and I won’t be out a bunch of money if it doesn’t/cant resell so even in a cheap banjo what should I be looking for? Should I buy a book to go along with it or is YouTube my best friend for learning this instrument?
I was curious what the sheet music looked like and I can fluently read treble I just don’t understand what I’m looking at when it also has the tabs with it… I’ve never had tabs to follow so right now they look very confusing… are they super necessary in the sheet music? Or is it just there to make it easier for someone whose skill level is closer to beginner? Or maybe someone who doesn’t fluently read music? I hope I’ve not worded that hatefully I just don’t understand their exact importance.