Apparently CURED.
Excuse my english, not my first language but i’ll try my best.
(First two slides: Balanitis active, last slide: Normal pink color, no red dots, no irritation)
So, my balanitis started around 4 months ago thanks to laying in my penis and poking it with my pubes (which were trimmed, so I guess it was like getting poked with mini needles), after I laid in my penis I felt some discomfort and found some red dots you all have seen here in this r/.
The day after the start of the red dots, I noticed my foreskin and my glans were irritated, ultra red, swollen and ultra sensitive, from there on, each day that passed I found that my case was getting worse and worse, I’m a med student so I started a thorough investigation on balanitis, my hypotheses is that my balanitis was bacterial, I tried Mupirocin 2% for 6 days and it was cured but I relapsed because I laid on my penis with trimmed pubes AGAIN (yes, really idiotic).
1 month ago I started air drying my penis, washing it only with cold water and only cold water and my case started to get better, but always flared again with sex, blowjobs or even masturbation.
I got really anxious and then I remembered a topical ointment my uro prescribed me in October 2023 because of a mild case of balanitis caused by guess what: laying in my penis with trimmed pubes, this topical ointment is not an antibiotic or anti fungal, it’s a wound healing enhancer, it’s called Triticum Vulgaris (In my country, Mexico it’s called Italdermol or just Triticum Vulgare) and it really works wonders, in just 4 days my glans and my foreskin went from being red, sensitive and painful to pale pink as it was when I was completely healthy, so I think I finally found my cure.
I got some tips for you guys out there:
1.- Air dry your penis, moisture helps bacteria and fungi proliferate 2.- Modify your diet, avoid high sugar food and drinks, I’m not saying completely prohibit them, just reduce your intake of refined sugars. 3.- Beware of sweat, in my city it’s getting really hot these days (38-42°C [100-115°F]) so avoiding sweating is key, MOISTURE! 4.- If you trim your pubes, avoid laying in your stomach as I did, your pubes become needles that inoculate fungi and bacteria in your glans and foreskin when you lay in your penis. 5.- Mental health is important, thinking about the condition and checking it every few minutes does more harm than good.
And as a med student, I really recommend and urge you all to stop using antifungal and antibiotic medications without a proper prescription, this can lead up to fungal and bacterial resistance (I think some of our guys have this, that’s why nothing seems to work) resistant microorganism are no joke, they can be a pain in the ass and can led up to lifelong consequences.
PS. I say “apparently cured” because I’m still in treatment, when I finish the ointment I’ll post an update :)