Bit of an issue

I(32m) almost killed my roommate (28m) last night. He was being rude as fuck, and i couldn't sleep. Had his TV on, playing games loudly yelling into his headphone speakers. We live in a very small apartment, so even when i went to the living room i could still hear him. I wore earplugs and got a couple hours. But then he turned on the lights and made some food while talking on the phone. He normally isn't THIS rude and inconsiderate, but he was high on crack, so i gave him a bit of a pass. It didn't seem intentional. He then proceeded to almost step on me, and laughed at me when i told him to be a little more considerate and watch where he was going. He intentionally proceeded to trip over me on his way to the room, stepping on my hand.

As i was laying there on the floor in the livingroom with my pillow, staring up at the cieling in the dark, i strongly considered stabbing him in his sleep when he finally went to bed. Planned it out, except for the aftermath, didn't know what to do with the body. That's literally the only thing that stopped me. About 3 hrs later I had gotten to the point in the plan where i was wearing kitchen gloves and a trashbag, grabbing the sharpest knife i could find and about to open our bedroom door, when i stopped and reconsidered, decided i didn't want to deal with the hassle of the aftermath, and put everything back, then went outside for a walk so i wouldn't change my mind.

He has yet to apologize for his behavior. I did talk to him about how he acted but he laughed it off as just being high. If his inconsiderate nonchalance continues i might kick him out for his safety, and by extension mine.

Edit:: I am a diagnosed psychopath.. (Antisocial Personality Disorder) i already know I'm fucked up thank you for your astounding revelations. I wouldn't have known it's not normal to want to murder someone without you telling me. :) This instance is a social experiment and completely false. Y'all are so quick to deride me and I'm not surprised. People are so predictable.