the reason why life isn’t easier or better after awakening

every time i see people say “life becomes so much more beautiful and easy after awakening!” it makes me wonder if they truly have. not by any means invalidating people whos spirituality has brought them more peace and clarity, but a true awakening will make you quite literally feel like you do not belong on this planet. not just emotionally, but physically and energetically as well. its VERY uncomfortable. sometimes you even feel trapped in your physical form, wandering around this 3rd dimensional plane wondering why god decided to keep your body alive with all the information you now have about how your existence is essentially pointless. it can almost feel like some huge sick joke at times, borderline torturous. i severely envy those who got the “life is beautiful and everything is perfectly fine” version of awareness instead of the constant disorientation and general disharmony between the body, mind and soul version lol