Pretty sure I was drugged at Chocolate Factory last night
I had 4 drinks but ended up the most fucked up ive ever been in my life, unable to move my body, stand up, or keep my eyes open. Luckily I was with some friends who were able to get me home as one had a car and drove. I didnt take any drinks from anyone or do anything else so that level of fucked up for so little alcohol set off alarm bells. I cannot recall my night past getting to the venue.
This was well over 12 hours ago so i dont think i can get tested to prove it anymore, but the symptoms line up.
I've had my fair share of bad nights with alcohol but this was uniquely bad.
Please be careful out there, watch your drinks, take care of each other.
Edit: typo and some context. I’m an above avg height pretty stocky guy who can handle his alcohol well, not new to drinking or drugs, but first time with an experience like this. Just a reminder that this can happen to anyone. Thanks for the support.