Barber massaged me after a cut, feeling overwhelmed/weirded out.
I went to go get a haircut w/ my dad and brother, after it was done, the barber cutting my hair grabbed my shoulders, pushed down on them, rubbed my neck and said "massage!" Before letting me out of the chair. I didn't disclose that I was autistic (since haircuts are usually not a problem) but I felt so.. overstimulated and grossed out. Are they allowed to do that? They had already cleared the excess hair around me at that point, so none was on me. Idk, it just felt like a massive breach in like, privacy or something? Are they allowed to do that to costumers? He didn't even ask me, he just did it with no warning, so it really threw me off guard. Idk, I just feel so weird. And while I would tell my mom I feel she'd say something like "that's normal!" Even though no other barber (or hairstylist) has ever done that to me before. Idk the rules of being a barber, so I'm just kinda lost. Maybe they are allowed to massage customers? Idk, just felt weird. If it is a normal customary thing, I don't wanna get him in trouble, because otherwise he was so nice to me. Just had to vent ig. Has anyone else have this happen to them?