I really need some audiobook suggestions

I commute for 2 hours every day and audiobooks are the only thing that makes it bearable. I started listening to them after I found this subreddit, right now I can't seem to find anything

Audiobooks I enjoyed listening to The expanse, Dresden files, Stormlight Archives, Orphan X series, Project Hail Mary, The Martian, Dungeon Crawler Carl, The witcher,

Other audiobooks I listened to Red Rising, Everyone in my family has killed someone, Born a crime, The Silent Patient, The first law trilogy,

I tried Rivers of London and Iron Druid but I couldn’t even complete the first book. I hated listening to He Who Fights with Monsters

Please, give me some suggestions.

Edit: Thank you for all the suggestions, I have enough audiobook suggestions for more than a year's worth of commute