Might the complexity of life actually be evidence *against* design?
You often see creationists point to the complexity of biological life as evidence of "supernatural design".
But what if they have it backwards? What if complexity actually points to the opposite?
The world is so not made for life that it takes an incredibly complex, almost rube goldberg like arrangement of parts in order for life to come about. If life were truly designed, it would be simple and easy to understand. Life would be easy, not hard. It would be simple, not extremely confusing and complex.
Now a creationist might retort by saying "a rocket ship is complicated, but clearly a human designed it!"
To which I would respond that the very need to arrange machinery in such a fantastical and complicated way belies the very notion of design! The Universe is so not designed that in order to make anything at all, life, machinery, etc., a complicated arrangement must occur. The Universe in its natural state is extremely not designed.
Is that stupid or do you think it kind of makes sense?