Why does science contradicts most of the things that every religion on earth has to offer

As a Hindu from India ( Maharashtra) my parents often take me to something called as “kirtan “ and I enjoy whatever the Kathakar has to say Today when I also there at kirtan and kathakar said Vitthal has been standing on a brick from n number of yugas even if we consider that Vitthal has been standing on brick since last 10 yugas , which literally converts into 43,20,000 solar years We as humans (homosapiens )basically started evolving 315,000 years ago If we compare these two figures there is nearby 12x difference , so how does entire “varkari sampraday “ makes sense This is just a question not a attack or something Ps: the word homosapiens is written like this cuz it won’t allow me to post question saying it’s a naughty word