If you used to be religious/faithful, what caused you to leave your faith?
New here, relatively new atheist. I grew up in the Evangelical community, went to Baptist university. Church EVERY Sunday. Most of family and friends are very religious. When people find out I have become an atheist, the one question is always, "What caused or led you to become an atheist?"
For me, it started with Sandy Hook. I couldn't see how it was possible for "God" to be all-knowing, all-powerful, present everywhere, and be loving, AND for Sandy Hook to still happen--when the smallest thing could possibly have prevented the tragedy. Then I read the Havard Step study, as a heart patient myself, which basically proved prayer doesn't work. Finally, COVID solidified things for me--specifically the Christian anti-vaxxers whose "prayer warriors united" but they still died horrible deaths, even as they were the most "faithful." Websites like Sorry Antivaxxer and FB groups like the Herman Cain Awards were enough for me to become 100% atheist.
Just wondering if there are any similar journeys like mine?