Being gay and not considered attractive sucks.
I'm half Indian half Lebanese (though I mostly look Indian), and my experience since coming out has been pretty lack luster. Dating apps just end up making me depressed, because I get a very low number of matches. My friends (especially Indian girls) have told me that I'm very attractive, and one of them even has said that I'm the prettiest guy she's met. On top of that, lot's of people have told me that I have a well-proportioned face and good features, and many people tell me I have a nice smile.
I know it sounds like I'm patting myself on the back a lot. In reality, my appearance has caused me a lot of problems. Not a single guy has been interested in me in person (and I've met many gay guys). At first I thought it was because I was really thin, so I gained about 10lbs of muscle, and I'm still going. Then I found out that many of these guys were into twinks, but just not me. I always wonder what it is about me that people find so unappealing--some of you might think it's that I'm so fixated on my appearance, but I really don't express that to other people very much. I ask myself if it's my race, or my body, or maybe that I'm just really ugly regardless.
I am a compassionate person, and I am loyal to my friends, and I'm kind and helpful and always smiling. But behind all of that, I'm so scared that no one will be attracted to me and my time in the closet would be for nothing. Maybe some of you reading this just think I'm shallow, but I'm sure a lot have similar experiences. How have you gotten through these thoughts, and have you been able to date?