Failed ranger school

I went to Small unit ranger tactics in Hawaii in sept 2021 and flew to ranger school just to get dropped day zero. I flew back to Hawaii to immediately go into Surt again and flew back out to Ranger school the following month. I passed rap week, failed patrols in Darby, recycled and failed patrols again before getting dropped in late November. I was a waivered spec with 18 months TIS my second attempt. I was dropped because I needed to mature and get experience in a leadership role. I sucked at patrols. As a private and as a civilian, I figured if you could earn your tab, there really isn’t anything difficult you could not over come. I never wanted anything as bad as my tab.

After I failed, I came back to my unit, dropped an air assault packet and quickly decided not to go because I felt burnt the fuck out. I was mad I failed and was just exhausted or depressed, idk which one.

Anyways, I finished my contract, switched to reserves for a try one, and am a full time student. I have a wife and son now. I thought I moved on, but every now and then I wonder what if I join natty guard and go back? If I fail again then so be it, but if I don’t try again will I regret it when I’m an old fuck?

For those who failed ranger school and did not go back, how did you over come the failure? Did you move on? Do you regret not going back?