A half-assed case for some of deleted-user posts being made by a Rebecca (possibly a Michael)

I'd like to point out this is no big deal, it's what Rebeccas do, it's completely normal. Anyone that disagrees hasn't observed a Rebecca in her natural habitat and is an incel. Also, I'm just some [ginger kid's favorite word] posting [ginger kid's favorite word]'ed shit on the [ginger kid's favorite word] web.

First suspicion happened when someone posted Devon and wife cosplaying as Michael and wife (a Rebecca), deleted their account, and a Rebecca replies to the post with "that's me", everyone is amazed at the serendipity, lots of karma was had. It didn't make sense why such an innocent post had to be done anonymously unless the person making the post is a Rebecca.


There were curious posts by deleted users after that but I didn't care to really pay attention.

Today a distraught ginger kid was having difficulty breathing while getting toasted by the sun inside a vehicle. That made me pay attention. The person hurting him with words posted a deleted user response to his video response.


In the comment section of the post is a strange comment that comes off as either a post-scriptum or someone addressing OP as a Rebecca. It reads "Also, Rebbeca tell Michael Ermes gonna kill him". Reading the post I felt the vibe of elderly femininity and wondered if it was written by a Rebecca. Seeing the comment gave the knee jerk reaction that someone also suspects a Rebecca, but the fact that it's by a deleted user and reads a continuation of the post makes me lean towards it being a post-scriptum (albeit a nonsensical continuation, all it does is scream "Rebbeca").

What's weird is that the elderly feminine vibe writing the post has good enough grasp of the English language that misspelling Rebecca as Rebbeca the way it's done in the comment isn't at all likely to happen. It's actually hard for me to even write Rebbeca, it feels very unnatural to misspell the name in that way, muscle memory won't allow it. Makes me think the misspelling was done intentionally. "I'm definitely not Rebecca because I'm addressing Rebecca, and I'm definitely definitely not Rebecca because Rebbeca"

I reply to that comment saying it reads like "definitely not Rebecca". Minutes later a Rebecca makes a reply to the same comment. She doesn't respond to my comment accusing her writing the post, instead she goes straight for the out of place Michael Ermes comment. Her response appears disingenuous where she chooses to entertain literal interpretation of "gonna kill him" with zero humor, as though she was pressed to write anything to further separate herself from the deleted user, because only crazies talk to themselves and she definitely ain't no crazy, you know what I'm sayin'?

If any particular Rebecca has better things to do than lurk ginger kids' account histories then my apologies to that particular Rebecca. Not accusing anyone here. Nothing to even accuse anyone of, really.

As for the ginger kid, I think the mods should forgive him for using his favorite word and bring him on board. They know he meant no harm and that he won't do it again. If this subreddit gets taken down because a ginger kid said the R-word so be it. At least you won't go down in history as bootlickers of an e-commerce website.