What are some of your most wanted Arcade to home ports/Arcade ports you’ve been begging for?
Here’s some of mine: Daemon Bride (I’ve been asking for one for years and it still hasn’t happened yet) Akatsuki Blitzkampf En-Eins Perfektwelt Anastasis (begging for a PS5 port of the game) Rage of the Dragons (come on Piko Interactive, when’s it gonna come out?) Air Gallet/Aku Gallet (if we could get an M2 Shot Triggers or an Arcade Archive release, it would be a win-win for everyone) Dimahoo/Great Mahou Daisakusen Armed Police Batrider (An M2 Shot Triggers release of it would be awesome!) Battle Bakraid (Another wanted M2STG entry) Fighting Layer (We need 3D polygon games in the Arcade Archives lineup and I’m begging for it) Tetris: The Grand Master 3 (my third most wanted ACA entry) Nebulas Ray (my second most wanted Arcade Archives releases that needs to happen) Kaiser Knuckle/Dan Ku Ga (My number one most wanted, either a separate collection like Breakers or an Arcade Archives release or part of a Taito collection) And there’s probably many more. What games do you want a home port/release badly of, WITHOUT RESORTING TO MAME/UNOFFICIAL MEANS?