Help diagnosing

Whirlpool EV160NZTQ02 standing freezer.

I’ve replaced the defrost timer, and I’m trying to see if the defrost heater is working. The fridge was room temperature less than 24 hours ago, the new defrost timer is set at 6hrs cooling, and 32 minutes defrost…and I’m already seeing the fins covered in frost. And the setting in the freezer is at 3 ( from 1-5, 5 being coldest) The new defrost timer is adjustable and has an indicator light to display when it is in cooling vs. defrost mode, so I can see when it’s supposed to be defrosting

So my question is… while the fridge is in defrost mode, should the defrost heater element feel warm ( or hot) to the touch? I believe I can pull it out and use a multimeter, but I’m wondering i should be able to feel it working…

I appreciate any info you all might have. Thank you