Free coaching/VOD review from 15x pred

Hi all,

This an open offer for free VOD reviews/ coaching to anyone interested, regardless of current rank, platform, experience, or skill level.

For background, I'm a 15x br pred and 3x arena pred on console. One thing that makes me a bit unique is my progression through the ranks: I had a 0.2 k/d my first 2-3 months on the game, I squeaked into plat in season 2 with a 0.6 k/d, diamond in season 3, master in season 4, and pred every season since, so very familiar with a lot of the roadblocks many of you are facing.

I've done a decent number of vod reviews for others in this sub over the last few years, and had great experiences all around. Example

If interested, please collect a handful of vods from ranked games, ideally from games around your current rank ceiling. Context on established ranked squad vs solo queue, what you perceive as your biggest weaknesses, and what you would most like to improve on are definitely helpful.

Feel free to reach out with any specific qs or requests. For anyone who requests a vod review, you're always welcome to circle back later on for additional coaching.

Thanks 🙏✌️