So to clarify yes I am aware the Byzantines are basically Roman so therefore AOE4 has a playable Roman Civ. However I think it would be EPIC to see a proper Imperial Roman Civ. I love that AOE2 has Rome but the units would be so much cooler in AOE4 and would go great with the slightly cartoony but realistic unit design of AOE4. They would probably have to be really well thought out as to not be too OP but would be great for a heavy infantry focused Civ. Imagine activating a javelins ability just as enemy infantry hit your infantry line. Then forming up in in a shield wall to advance but mangonels and enemy cav are able to slowly pick off your slow moving troops unless you support with cav. They can even have a standard bearer like Japan does to give extra buffs at the cost of a debuff. I know this is not the best examples of what could be but I just wish we got some form of the actual Imperial Rome in AOE4 instead of the Byzantines although I still love them as I main them. Anyways thanks for reading and please share your thoughts on this!