Can we just call pro lifers "Pro Sadists"?

I mean they dont care about you once your born. I was talking with a pro lifer on youtube and he wished for my death. Ive seen many pro lifers wish death on pro choice people. I think its sadistic that Ken Paxton in Texas denied Kate Cox an abortion when the Judge at first approved it. He actually said "If the baby is going to die it will die naturally" So that means he wanted to watch the baby get born just so it can suffer and die. The baby had Edward Syndrome and was going to lose his/her breath once the baby was born and sufficate and die right in front of Kate Cos. So apparently Ken Paxton and Texas people enjoy watching babies and children suffer. They dont care about them once they are born. They dont care about the abusive foster care systems that they defend so much. I honestly call that sadistic movement the Pro Sadist movement. And I also dont like how they act when they claim they want to "Change Minds" Like when Roe V Wade was overturned the pro lifers did videos trolling the pro choice protesters. How do they expect to change minds when they act like that? They honestly pushed me away further. On the bright side its a slap in the face on them because 99% of the time abortions have won on the ballots including my state. So I guess now its a slap in the face on them...