[kk] About anime avatar mashups and me. A small announcement if anyone cares.
Hi, I'm KK. It is a small announcement about me.
TL;DR: All the other avatars I haven't posted in this link below will all be $4.99/50. I'm going to release them these days. And send me a screenshot if you find it hard to mash up with other artists' proportions.
(if I succeed early, there may be a larger inventory but still 4.99)
Firstly, I plan to make my avatars fit most of the other proportions that you may want to mash up with by editing these avatars I drew. I pick these avatars I drew recently to try this. I hope people that like me can also use my avatar's proportions to do mashups. Besides, I would obviously hope more people like my art.
However, it is hard to only compare them with screenshots. Reddit has two different sizes for backgrounds and avatars that make it difficult to compare the avatar proportions' position with the entire avatar. So I will try with these avatars to see if I can get a better fit. I like these avatars, and I spend much time on drawing them. So even though there is still a floating head while mashup, you will still have the accessories and the background.
If it is successful after these tries, I will use them as a template for my further drawing. And I will also post them on Reddit so if any artist would like to use them.
If I failed, FIND PROPORTIONS THAT FIT MINE TO MASHUP. Yeah, I still hope it can work well. We have 7 trials. I know people like wispy head and basket head!!!!! Ok, I agree❤️🔥. THEY ARE AMAZING. 😭 There are so many great artists in this community!!! However, please like my avatar's head. Or I will beg you.
I'm actually not a popular avatar artist or a great avatar artist who creates incredible art. But I still want to try this. So... In the end, I will say thank you to everyone liking my art, buying my art, or liking them but cannot buy them for any reason. And thanks for all the comments and messages. ♥️♥️♥️You are supporting me a lot.