Ƿord for 'pornography'?
I þougt 'tƿould be good if ƿe had a sameƿord for 'pornography' sins feel of net's folkƿays hafe been bilt þereabute. I umbspake þis ƿiþ anoþer man on þe discord, and ƿit came up ƿiþ a feƿ sameƿords. Erst, I þougt ƿe could say 'film' in graph's stead, ack þen ƿit bekneƿ þat pornography nis alƿays in a film's kind, so ƿit forþput 'craft' instead. As for þe porno- ƿordbit, þe man ƿiþ hƿom I spake forþput 'heam' to make 'heamcraft' albeit I þougt þat 'horning' or 'hƿore' ƿould be truer to porno's form meaning as it erst meant 'fornicate'. Hƿat þinkest þu hereabute?