Weekly party discussion | 8 - 10 November 2024

The post-ADE comedown weekly was our most upvoted weekly since the start of the sub. Low-effort posts generate most upvotes (a Reddit law, apparently). Not that I care about upvotes (that’s a lie), but you seem to appreciate brevity. So let’s get straight to business.


RAUM: Cobahn, Peter Van Hoesen (live) & Polly F. Cobahn + Peter van Hoesen is the gin and tonic of line-ups (but certainly good). Peter playing the second ever live set in Studio is a big deal. Polly F: only at Raum, love her. And it’s my birthday; this is the only place I want to celebrate the rest of my life slipping slowly away.

Nano: 42nd avenue and Sandrien. Sandrien needs no introduction (or read my Frenzy review in last weeks Afters)


Het Sieraad: David Vunk all night long. David Vunk is a Rotterdam legend. The guy knows how to throw a party with a mix of just everything.

RAUM: livwutang, Sarkawt Hamad, IMOGEN, Jasmín, Parrish Smith. Two rooms open. Cool line-up. Excited.

Ruigoord: sSSsSSss, Radical Queer Party, WHORETENSIAGA, with Christal Empire, DJ Pheremone, Tamacoochies, DJ Shahmaran.

RSO (Berlin): Poing taking over Summe floor, with Dina, Interstellar, Kimmah, Lawrence Lee, Nikos (live), Tamagotchi Killer and Trademark


Garage Noord: Traviesa with baby ganoush, Barely Legal, El Kinke, dj smob, thom. Awareness by Nightguides.


Oh, and Le Guess Who? is taking place in Utrecht this weekend. “Super nice programme with lots electronic acts going out of their comfort zone”, according to u/bleepbloopbarbatruc. He’ll do a separate post on it. He will try to convince you to give Kabul another chance again. And again. And he almost convinced u/chadbrocolli to go to WAS. Don’t worry. He won’t actually go. I promise. 


So there you have it: another weekend of questionable decisions and late-night adventures.