It was tough between two favorites but “Danuta” wins for D! Next up is “E” (runners-up below)
Winner: “Danuta…” 815 (432+383) upvotes
Runners up:
1) “Doive on in!” 415 (+a bunch of repeat comments) upvotes
2) “Dick stop it!… I want the old Dick back. I don't want bad, new Dick. I want good, old Dick. Give me the Dick I'm used to. Give me the Dick I love!” 418 upvotes
3) “Dick don’t pay for strange!” 412 (323+89) upvotes
Winner: “Danuta…” 815 (432+383) upvotes
Runners up:
1) “Doive on in!” 415 (+a bunch of repeat comments) upvotes
2) “Dick stop it!… I want the old Dick back. I don't want bad, new Dick. I want good, old Dick. Give me the Dick I'm used to. Give me the Dick I love!” 418 upvotes
3) “Dick don’t pay for strange!” 412 (323+89) upvotes