Im 25 M. I just feel exhausted to be honest with everybody. Ive gone through life with very few friends, but recently it just feels like people are to busy for friendship. Or maybe it is that they don't like me. I'm not really sure, because when I do hang out with 'friends', they seem really happy to be around me. But then other times idk it feels like they could care less if we hang out.
Has anyone else noticed that lately people have changed? I feel like even a few years ago, like even just after COVID people were different, willing to put in effort to friendship. What changed? I feel like I'm alone in this world feeling this. I try to put in as much effort without being annoying or weird, but I just get nothing back. I don't really know what to say anymore, or what to do. I don't know if there's a psychological reason for this.
Maybe it's just that everybody else has child hood friends that they are only willing to keep them and put effort into them, or maybe it is that people just don't like me. Either way, has anybody found a good way to either deal or fix a situation like this?