I come here seeking valid points not name calling
I do not believe Al art is art.
You are giving a program some details on what you desire the picture/piece of media to appear as. The Al then creates said piece, and you pawn it off as your own work. That is not being an artist. The Al is the artist, and unless you properly site it as such, you are committing plagiarism
My evidence? Look to all the commission sights out there on the internet. All the people who commission art work are usually required to site that it was commissioned and not their own work
My second point: if you believe that Al "art" is art, if I was to call any artist in the world doesn't matter and I say to them "I need you to draw a picture of a dog" does that then make me an artist? Obviously not, and before you go and say "Oh but we have to adjust the prompt to get the desired result, I raise you this. Does a person who commissions a suit or a dress now a clothes designer? They:
Provide a prompt (usually a sketch or details of desired material and proportions)
Have the dress/suit maker make said product
Then, give any adjustments that they wish, perhaps a sleeve was too short, or the color of the fabric was wrong. Since they both gave the prompt and adjusted it to reach the desired result the are, by your definition of an artist, a designer